Helping others doesn’t always mean giving money. There are simple things we can do for each other that can influence people positively. As the Dalai Lama once said, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects!

1. Give Everyone You Meet a Compliment

An easy way to make someone feel special is to pay them a compliment. Whether personal or professional, telling someone you care and notice them positively through positivity is always welcome. Not only can you help boost self-esteem, but you can also connect with others while positively shifting any mindset.

2. Send an Appreciation Letter

Getting a hand-written note is a rarity these days. An appreciation letter can help you express your feelings of gratitude to anyone who may have inspired you. It is rewarding to let someone know that you value them as a person. You can also positively influence their attitudes and bring you closer. The personalization of a written letter also shows them that they are worth your time.

3. Say Thanks

When you are in line for your morning coffee, do you thank the barista for their help with your order? If someone opens the door for you, do you thank them too? It can be easy to forget how many people are going about their lives and helping you in small ways. Be sure to take the time and thank people for their positive interactions and influence on your attitude and mindset.

4. Donate to Local Charities

Donations to those who are less fortunate are always something that helps! Helping others by donating items like food, clothes, toys, or even time can help to change the outlook for those in need. Research causes that excite you to help. Finding causes you care about can help connect you even further as you assist others. Local charities are always in need of donations as well so make sure you are checking in your communities for smaller charities who need help. If you need some help finding causes, you can check this blog from for some ideas on which charities you can help.

5. Volunteer Within Your Community

Community work is extremely satisfying because you can directly help your local town and the people (which include yourself) within it. Your time may be the most valuable thing you can give to someone. Some non-profits and organizations help others with a range of situations. You can become a mentor for a child or help at the local soup kitchen for the homeless. There are tons of actions you can take to help your community, and all it costs is your time. Visit websites such as or to search for local organizations within your community and take steps to become active today!

As you can see, there are many things you can do to help others that are simple and effective. Some may take more time than others, but you can genuinely help people and change their lives for the better.